Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dating!! Age No Bar

A Valentine Gift to our seniors by the Young
An Agewell Initiative

Centuries have passed and the tradition of affectionate extensions have been experienced in many a ways. World-wide one such day which has got accepted by people of all ages culture and creed, as the day of expressing one’s love or affection to another has been accepted as the 14th Feb – Valentines Day.

At Agewell we go beyond this belief, that love is an art which needs to be cultivated and practiced. You may or may not know the art of love, but that really doesn’t matter, as what matters is whether your love is coming from the innermost depths of your heart or not. When love comes from your head rather than heart, it becomes a ‘designed love’ that cannot bring cheer among others.

We can express our love in many ways, be it by exchanging a simile, or shaking hands together, or simply by complimenting each other; you can also express it by forgiving your sworn enemy, involving yourself in social and charitable activities, or even offering a day out with complete attention to an elderly.

Himanshu Rath the founder of Agewell has always expressed that “when your heart is full of love, you will know it as every cell, every part of your body would be vibrating with the energy of love, so much so that you would find it difficult to confine it to yourself or towards your loved one” He says “you should become the very embodiment of love and spread happiness and joy in the world, specially to our elders, who have created this opportunity for you”.

This year, don’t let your love be confined to your fantasies. Spread it around to your elderly, in your house, your neighborhood and beyond, and you will find the ultimate satisfaction, everyone wishes for!

We need to remember, that we human beings are always insecure and crave for some appreciation from someone close to us. If we learn to appreciate our senior’s admirable qualities which made us what we are, in the first place, they won’t mind if you later point out some of their not-so-good qualities. It is like offering candy to a child before asking him to take the bitter stuff and if you try to push the bitter stuff to him at first, he won’t take it.

It is also important to explicitly state how much one wants to express. Many people safely assume that their seniors ‘knows it all’, but that may not be the case with everyone. Our elderly wants not only tacit but also an explicit expression of caring from all. This is one simple way to create the bridge to re-ignite the candle of caring on this Valentine’s Day, nurturing relationship forever.

We suggest a few action points to support your initiative:
1. Must spend some time during the day with at least one old person
2. If not possible, do connect with an elderly and register gratitude
3. Otherwise, it’s a universally accepted fact, that positive thoughts create positive energies. Do meditate and create your presence in the universe.

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